Source code for glimix_core.random._canonical

from numpy import ascontiguousarray, atleast_1d, atleast_2d, sqrt, std

from ..cov import EyeCov, LinearCov, SumCov
from ..lik import BernoulliProdLik, BinomialProdLik, PoissonProdLik
from import LogitLink, LogLink
from ..mean import LinearMean, OffsetMean, SumMean
from ._ggp import GGPSampler

[docs]def bernoulli_sample( offset, G, heritability=0.5, causal_variants=None, causal_variance=0, random_state=None, ): r"""Bernoulli likelihood sampling. Sample according to .. math:: \mathbf y \sim \prod_{i=1}^n \text{Bernoulli}(\mu_i = \text{logit}(z_i)) \mathcal N(~ o \mathbf 1 + \mathbf a^\intercal \boldsymbol\alpha; ~ (h^2 - v_c)\mathrm G^\intercal\mathrm G + (1-h^2-v_c)\mathrm I ~) using the canonical Logit link function to define the conditional Bernoulli mean :math:`\mu_i`. The causal :math:`\mathbf a` covariates and the corresponding effect-sizes are randomly draw according to the following idea. The ``causal_variants``, if given, are first mean-zero and std-one normalized and then having its elements divided by the squared-root the the number of variances:: causal_variants = _stdnorm(causal_variants, axis=0) causal_variants /= sqrt(causal_variants.shape[1]) The causal effect-sizes :math:`\boldsymbol\alpha` are draw from :math:`\{-1, +1\}` and subsequently normalized for mean-zero and std-one"" Parameters ---------- random_state : random_state Set the initial random state. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from glimix_core.random import bernoulli_sample >>> from numpy.random import RandomState >>> offset = 5 >>> G = [[1, -1], [2, 1]] >>> bernoulli_sample(offset, G, random_state=RandomState(0)) array([1., 1.]) """ link = LogitLink() mean, cov = _mean_cov( offset, G, heritability, causal_variants, causal_variance, random_state ) lik = BernoulliProdLik(link) sampler = GGPSampler(lik, mean, cov) return sampler.sample(random_state)
[docs]def binomial_sample( ntrials, offset, G, heritability=0.5, causal_variants=None, causal_variance=0, random_state=None, ): """Binomial likelihood sampling. Parameters ---------- random_state : random_state Set the initial random state. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from glimix_core.random import binomial_sample >>> from numpy.random import RandomState >>> ntrials = [5, 15] >>> offset = 0.5 >>> G = [[1, -1], [2, 1]] >>> binomial_sample(ntrials, offset, G, random_state=RandomState(0)) array([ 2., 14.]) """ link = LogitLink() mean, cov = _mean_cov( offset, G, heritability, causal_variants, causal_variance, random_state ) lik = BinomialProdLik(ntrials, link) sampler = GGPSampler(lik, mean, cov) return sampler.sample(random_state)
[docs]def poisson_sample( offset, G, heritability=0.5, causal_variants=None, causal_variance=0, random_state=None, ): """Poisson likelihood sampling. Parameters ---------- random_state : random_state Set the initial random state. Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from glimix_core.random import poisson_sample >>> from numpy.random import RandomState >>> offset = -0.5 >>> G = [[0.5, -1], [2, 1]] >>> poisson_sample(offset, G, random_state=RandomState(0)) array([0, 6]) """ mean, cov = _mean_cov( offset, G, heritability, causal_variants, causal_variance, random_state ) link = LogLink() lik = PoissonProdLik(link) sampler = GGPSampler(lik, mean, cov) return sampler.sample(random_state)
def _causal_mean(causal_variants, causal_variance, random): causal_variants = atleast_2d(atleast_1d(causal_variants).T).T causal_variants = _stdnorm(causal_variants, axis=0) causal_variants /= sqrt(causal_variants.shape[1]) p = causal_variants.shape[1] directions = random.randn(p) directions[directions < 0.5] = -1 directions[directions >= 0.5] = +1 s = std(directions) if s > 0: directions /= s directions *= sqrt(causal_variance) directions -= directions.mean() mean = LinearMean(causal_variants) mean.effsizes = directions return mean def _mean_cov(offset, G, heritability, causal_variants, causal_variance, random_state): G = ascontiguousarray(G, dtype=float) nsamples = G.shape[0] G = _stdnorm(G, axis=0) G /= sqrt(G.shape[1]) mean1 = OffsetMean(nsamples) mean1.offset = offset cov1 = LinearCov(G) cov2 = EyeCov(nsamples) cov = SumCov([cov1, cov2]) cov1.scale = heritability - causal_variance cov2.scale = 1 - heritability - causal_variance means = [] means.append(mean1) if causal_variants is not None: means.append(_causal_mean(causal_variants, causal_variance, random_state)) mean = SumMean(means) return mean, cov def _stdnorm(X, axis=None, out=None): X = ascontiguousarray(X, dtype=float) if out is None: out = X.copy() m = out.mean(axis) s = out.std(axis) ok = s > 0 out -= m out[..., ok] /= s[ok] return out