Generalised Gaussian Process


A GP is a statistical distribution \(Y_t\), \(t\in\mathrm T\), for which any finite linear combination of samples has a joint Gaussian distribution [1] [2]. An instance of such class of processes is defined via a mean function \(m(\cdot)\) and a covariance function \(k(\cdot, \cdot)\) whose domains are \(\mathrm T\) and \(\mathrm T\times\mathrm T\), respectively.

Here we implement an extension of GPs that makes use of exponential-family likelihoods. An instance of such process is given by

\[\mathbf y \sim \int \prod_i \text{ExpFam}(y_i ~|~ \mu_i = g(z_i)) \mathcal N(\mathbf z ~|~ \mathbf m, \mathrm K) \mathrm d\mathbf z.\]

ExpFamGP performs inference over the mean and covariance parameters via maximum likelihood and Expectation Propagation [3] approximation.


class glimix_core.ggp.ExpFamGP(y, lik, mean, cov)[source]

Expectation Propagation for Generalised Gaussian Processes.

  • y (array_like) – Outcome variable.

  • lik_name (str) – Likelihood name.

  • mean (function) – Mean function. (Refer to Mean functions.)

  • cov (function) – Covariance function. (Refer to Covariance functions.)


>>> from numpy.random import RandomState
>>> from glimix_core.example import offset_mean
>>> from glimix_core.example import linear_eye_cov
>>> from glimix_core.ggp import ExpFamGP
>>> from glimix_core.lik import BernoulliProdLik
>>> from import LogitLink
>>> from glimix_core.random import GGPSampler
>>> random = RandomState(1)
>>> lik = BernoulliProdLik(LogitLink())
>>> mean = offset_mean()
>>> cov = linear_eye_cov()
>>> y = GGPSampler(lik, mean, cov).sample(random)
>>> ggp = ExpFamGP(y, 'bernoulli', mean, cov)
>>> print('Before: %.4f' % ggp.lml())
Before: -6.9802
>>> print('After: %.2f' % ggp.lml())
After: -6.55
fit(verbose=True, factr=100000.0, pgtol=1e-07)[source]

Maximise the marginal likelihood.

  • verbose (bool) – True for progress output; False otherwise. Defaults to True.

  • factr (float, optional) – The iteration stops when (f^k - f^{k+1})/max{|f^k|,|f^{k+1}|,1} <= factr * eps, where eps is the machine precision.

  • pgtol (float, optional) – The iteration will stop when max{|proj g_i | i = 1, ..., n} <= pgtol where pg_i is the i-th component of the projected gradient.


Please, refer to scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b() for further information about factr and pgtol.


Log of the marginal likelihood.


\(\log p(\mathbf y)\)

Return type
