Source code for glimix_core.lmm._kron2sum

import warnings
from functools import reduce

from numpy import asarray, asfortranarray, kron, log, sqrt, tensordot, trace
from numpy.linalg import inv, matrix_rank, slogdet
from optimix import Function

from glimix_core._util import cached_property, log2pi, unvec, vec
from glimix_core.cov import Kron2SumCov
from glimix_core.mean import KronMean

from ._kron2sum_scan import KronFastScanner

[docs]class Kron2Sum(Function): """ LMM for multi-traits fitted via maximum likelihood. This implementation follows the work published in [CA05]_. Let n, c, and p be the number of samples, covariates, and traits, respectively. The outcome variable Y is a n×p matrix distributed according to:: vec(Y) ~ N((A ⊗ X) vec(B), K = C₀ ⊗ GGᵀ + C₁ ⊗ I). A and X are design matrices of dimensions p×p and n×c provided by the user, where X is the usual matrix of covariates commonly used in single-trait models. B is a c×p matrix of fixed-effect sizes per trait. G is a n×r matrix provided by the user and I is a n×n identity matrices. C₀ and C₁ are both symmetric matrices of dimensions p×p, for which C₁ is guaranteed by our implementation to be of full rank. The parameters of this model are the matrices B, C₀, and C₁. For implementation purpose, we make use of the following definitions: - 𝛃 = vec(B) - M = A ⊗ X - H = MᵀK⁻¹M - Yₓ = LₓY - Yₕ = YₓLₕᵀ - Mₓ = LₓX - Mₕ = (LₕA) ⊗ Mₓ - mₕ = Mₕvec(B) where Lₓ and Lₕ are defined in :class:`glimix_core.cov.Kron2SumCov`. References ---------- .. [CA05] Casale, F. P., Rakitsch, B., Lippert, C., & Stegle, O. (2015). Efficient set tests for the genetic analysis of correlated traits. Nature methods, 12(8), 755. """
[docs] def __init__(self, Y, A, X, G, rank=1, restricted=False): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- Y : (n, p) array_like Outcome matrix. A : (n, n) array_like Trait-by-trait design matrix. X : (n, c) array_like Covariates design matrix. G : (n, r) array_like Matrix G from the GGᵀ term. rank : optional, int Maximum rank of matrix C₀. Defaults to ``1``. """ from numpy_sugar import is_all_finite Y = asfortranarray(Y, float) yrank = matrix_rank(Y) if Y.shape[1] > yrank: warnings.warn( f"Y is not full column rank: rank(Y)={yrank}. " + "Convergence might be problematic.", UserWarning, ) A = asarray(A, float) X = asarray(X, float) Xrank = matrix_rank(X) if X.shape[1] > Xrank: warnings.warn( f"X is not full column rank: rank(X)={Xrank}. " + "Convergence might be problematic.", UserWarning, ) G = asarray(G, float).copy() self._G_norm = max(G.min(), G.max()) G /= self._G_norm if not is_all_finite(Y): raise ValueError("There are non-finite values in the outcome matrix.") if not is_all_finite(A): msg = "There are non-finite values in the trait-by-trait design matrix." raise ValueError(msg) if not is_all_finite(X): raise ValueError("There are non-finite values in the covariates matrix.") if not is_all_finite(G): raise ValueError("There are non-finite values in the G matrix.") self._Y = Y self._cov = Kron2SumCov(G, Y.shape[1], rank) self._cov.listen(self._parameters_update) self._mean = KronMean(A, X) self._cache = {"terms": None} self._restricted = restricted composite = [("C0", self._cov.C0), ("C1", self._cov.C1)] Function.__init__(self, "Kron2Sum", composite=composite) nparams = self._mean.nparams + self._cov.nparams if nparams > Y.size: msg = "The number of parameters is larger than the outcome size." msg += " Convergence is expected to be problematic." warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
@property def beta_covariance(self): """ Estimates the covariance-matrix of the optimal beta. Returns ------- beta-covariance : ndarray (MᵀK⁻¹M)⁻¹. References ---------- .. Rencher, A. C., & Schaalje, G. B. (2008). Linear models in statistics. John Wiley & Sons. """ H = self._terms["H"] return inv(H) def get_fast_scanner(self): """ Return :class:`.FastScanner` for association scan. Returns ------- :class:`.FastScanner` Instance of a class designed to perform very fast association scan. """ terms = self._terms return KronFastScanner(self._Y, self._mean.A, self._mean.X, self._cov.Ge, terms) @property def A(self): """ A from the equation 𝐦 = (A ⊗ X) vec(B). Returns ------- A : ndarray A. """ return self._mean.A @property def B(self): """ Fixed-effect sizes B from 𝐦 = (A ⊗ X) vec(B). Returns ------- fixed-effects : ndarray B from 𝐦 = (A ⊗ X) vec(B). """ self._terms return asarray(self._mean.B, float) @property def beta(self): """ Fixed-effect sizes 𝛃 = vec(B). Returns ------- fixed-effects : ndarray 𝛃 from 𝛃 = vec(B). """ return vec(self.B) @property def C0(self): """ C₀ from equation K = C₀ ⊗ GGᵀ + C₁ ⊗ I. Returns ------- C0 : ndarray C₀. """ return self._cov.C0.value() / (self._G_norm ** 2) @property def C1(self): """ C₁ from equation K = C₀ ⊗ GGᵀ + C₁ ⊗ I. Returns ------- C1 : ndarray C₁. """ return self._cov.C1.value() def mean(self): """ Mean 𝐦 = (A ⊗ X) vec(B). Returns ------- mean : ndarray 𝐦. """ self._terms return self._mean.value() def covariance(self): """ Covariance K = C₀ ⊗ GGᵀ + C₁ ⊗ I. Returns ------- covariance : ndarray K. """ return self._cov.value() @property def X(self): """ X from equation M = (A ⊗ X). Returns ------- X : ndarray X from M = (A ⊗ X). """ return self._mean.X @property def M(self): """ M = (A ⊗ X). Returns ------- M : ndarray M from M = (A ⊗ X). """ return self._mean.AX @property def nsamples(self): """ Number of samples, n. """ return self._Y.shape[0] @property def ntraits(self): """ Number of traits, p. """ return self._Y.shape[1] @property def ncovariates(self): """ Number of covariates, c. """ return self._mean.X.shape[1] def value(self): """ Log of the marginal likelihood. """ return self.lml() def gradient(self): """ Gradient of the log of the marginal likelihood. """ return self._lml_gradient() def lml(self): """ Log of the marginal likelihood. Let 𝐲 = vec(Y), M = A⊗X, and H = MᵀK⁻¹M. The restricted log of the marginal likelihood is given by [R07]_:: 2⋅log(p(𝐲)) = -(n⋅p - c⋅p) log(2π) + log(|MᵀM|) - log(|K|) - log(|H|) - (𝐲-𝐦)ᵀ K⁻¹ (𝐲-𝐦), where 𝐦 = M𝛃 for 𝛃 = H⁻¹MᵀK⁻¹𝐲. For implementation purpose, let X = (L₀ ⊗ G) and R = (L₁ ⊗ I)(L₁ ⊗ I)ᵀ. The covariance can be written as:: K = XXᵀ + R. From the Woodbury matrix identity, we have 𝐲ᵀK⁻¹𝐲 = 𝐲ᵀR⁻¹𝐲 - 𝐲ᵀR⁻¹XZ⁻¹XᵀR⁻¹𝐲, where Z = I + XᵀR⁻¹X. Note that R⁻¹ = (U₁S₁⁻¹U₁ᵀ) ⊗ I and :: XᵀR⁻¹𝐲 = (L₀ᵀW ⊗ Gᵀ)𝐲 = vec(GᵀYWL₀), where W = U₁S₁⁻¹U₁ᵀ. The term GᵀY can be calculated only once and it will form a r×p matrix. We similarly have :: XᵀR⁻¹M = (L₀ᵀWA) ⊗ (GᵀX), for which GᵀX is pre-computed. The log-determinant of the covariance matrix is given by log(|K|) = log(|Z|) - log(|R⁻¹|) = log(|Z|) - 2·n·log(|U₁S₁⁻½|). The log of the marginal likelihood can be rewritten as:: 2⋅log(p(𝐲)) = -(n⋅p - c⋅p) log(2π) + log(|MᵀM|) - log(|Z|) + 2·n·log(|U₁S₁⁻½|) - log(|MᵀR⁻¹M - MᵀR⁻¹XZ⁻¹XᵀR⁻¹M|) - 𝐲ᵀR⁻¹𝐲 + (𝐲ᵀR⁻¹X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹𝐲) - 𝐦ᵀR⁻¹𝐦 + (𝐦ᵀR⁻¹X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹𝐦) + 2𝐲ᵀR⁻¹𝐦 - 2(𝐲ᵀR⁻¹X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹𝐦). Returns ------- lml : float Log of the marginal likelihood. References ---------- .. [R07] LaMotte, L. R. (2007). A direct derivation of the REML likelihood function. Statistical Papers, 48(2), 321-327. """ terms = self._terms yKiy = terms["yKiy"] mKiy = terms["mKiy"] mKim = terms["mKim"] lml = -self._df * log2pi + self._logdet_MM - self._logdetK lml -= self._logdetH lml += -yKiy - mKim + 2 * mKiy return lml / 2 def fit(self, verbose=True): """ Maximise the marginal likelihood. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool, optional ``True`` for progress output; ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``True``. """ self._maximize(verbose=verbose, factr=1e7, pgtol=1e-7) def _parameters_update(self): self._cache["terms"] = None @cached_property def _GY(self): return self._cov.Ge.T @ self._Y @cached_property def _GG(self): return self._cov.Ge.T @ self._cov.Ge @cached_property def _trGG(self): from numpy_sugar.linalg import trace2 return trace2(self._cov.Ge, self._cov.Ge.T) @cached_property def _GGGG(self): return self._GG @ self._GG @cached_property def _GGGY(self): return self._GG @ self._GY @cached_property def _XX(self): return self._mean.X.T @ self._mean.X @cached_property def _GX(self): return self._cov.Ge.T @ self._mean.X @cached_property def _XGGG(self): return self._GX.T @ self._GG @cached_property def _XGGY(self): return self._GX.T @ self._GY @cached_property def _XGGX(self): return self._GX.T @ self._GX @cached_property def _XY(self): return self._mean.X.T @ self._Y @property def _terms(self): from numpy_sugar.linalg import ddot, sum2diag from scipy.linalg import cho_factor, cho_solve if self._cache["terms"] is not None: return self._cache["terms"] L0 = self._cov.C0.L S, U = self._cov.C1.eigh() W = ddot(U, 1 / S) @ U.T S = 1 / sqrt(S) Y = self._Y A = self._mean.A WL0 = W @ L0 YW = Y @ W WA = W @ A L0WA = L0.T @ WA Z = kron(L0.T @ WL0, self._GG) Z = sum2diag(Z, 1) Lz = cho_factor(Z, lower=True) # 𝐲ᵀR⁻¹𝐲 = vec(YW)ᵀ𝐲 yRiy = (YW * self._Y).sum() # MᵀR⁻¹M = AᵀWA ⊗ XᵀX MRiM = kron(A.T @ WA, self._XX) # XᵀR⁻¹𝐲 = vec(GᵀYWL₀) XRiy = vec(self._GY @ WL0) # XᵀR⁻¹M = (L₀ᵀWA) ⊗ (GᵀX) XRiM = kron(L0WA, self._GX) # MᵀR⁻¹𝐲 = vec(XᵀYWA) MRiy = vec(self._XY @ WA) ZiXRiM = cho_solve(Lz, XRiM) ZiXRiy = cho_solve(Lz, XRiy) MRiXZiXRiy = ZiXRiM.T @ XRiy MRiXZiXRiM = XRiM.T @ ZiXRiM yKiy = yRiy - XRiy @ ZiXRiy MKiy = MRiy - MRiXZiXRiy H = MRiM - MRiXZiXRiM Lh = cho_factor(H) b = cho_solve(Lh, MKiy) B = unvec(b, (self.ncovariates, -1)) self._mean.B = B XRim = XRiM @ b ZiXRim = ZiXRiM @ b mRiy = b.T @ MRiy mRim = b.T @ MRiM @ b logdetK = log(Lz[0].diagonal()).sum() * 2 logdetK -= 2 * log(S).sum() * self.nsamples mKiy = mRiy - XRim.T @ ZiXRiy mKim = mRim - XRim.T @ ZiXRim self._cache["terms"] = { "logdetK": logdetK, "mKiy": mKiy, "mKim": mKim, "b": b, "Z": Z, "B": B, "Lz": Lz, "S": S, "W": W, "WA": WA, "YW": YW, "WL0": WL0, "yRiy": yRiy, "MRiM": MRiM, "XRiy": XRiy, "XRiM": XRiM, "ZiXRiM": ZiXRiM, "ZiXRiy": ZiXRiy, "ZiXRim": ZiXRim, "MRiy": MRiy, "mRim": mRim, "mRiy": mRiy, "XRim": XRim, "yKiy": yKiy, "H": H, "Lh": Lh, "MRiXZiXRiy": MRiXZiXRiy, "MRiXZiXRiM": MRiXZiXRiM, } return self._cache["terms"] def _lml_gradient(self): """ Gradient of the log of the marginal likelihood. Let 𝐲 = vec(Y), 𝕂 = K⁻¹∂(K)K⁻¹, and H = MᵀK⁻¹M. The gradient is given by:: 2⋅∂log(p(𝐲)) = -tr(K⁻¹∂K) - tr(H⁻¹∂H) + 𝐲ᵀ𝕂𝐲 - 𝐦ᵀ𝕂(2⋅𝐲-𝐦) - 2⋅(𝐦-𝐲)ᵀK⁻¹∂(𝐦). Observe that ∂𝛃 = -H⁻¹(∂H)𝛃 - H⁻¹Mᵀ𝕂𝐲 and ∂H = -Mᵀ𝕂M. Let Z = I + XᵀR⁻¹X and 𝓡 = R⁻¹(∂K)R⁻¹. We use Woodbury matrix identity to write :: 𝐲ᵀ𝕂𝐲 = 𝐲ᵀ𝓡𝐲 - 2(𝐲ᵀ𝓡X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹𝐲) + (𝐲ᵀR⁻¹X)Z⁻¹(Xᵀ𝓡X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹𝐲) Mᵀ𝕂M = Mᵀ𝓡M - 2(Mᵀ𝓡X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹M) + (MᵀR⁻¹X)Z⁻¹(Xᵀ𝓡X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹M) Mᵀ𝕂𝐲 = Mᵀ𝓡𝐲 - (MᵀR⁻¹X)Z⁻¹(Xᵀ𝓡𝐲) - (Mᵀ𝓡X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹𝐲) + (MᵀR⁻¹X)Z⁻¹(Xᵀ𝓡X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹𝐲) H⁻¹ = MᵀR⁻¹M - (MᵀR⁻¹X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹M), where we have used parentheses to separate expressions that we will compute separately. For example, we have :: 𝐲ᵀ𝓡𝐲 = 𝐲ᵀ(U₁S₁⁻¹U₁ᵀ ⊗ I)(∂C₀ ⊗ GGᵀ)(U₁S₁⁻¹U₁ᵀ ⊗ I)𝐲 = 𝐲ᵀ(U₁S₁⁻¹U₁ᵀ∂C₀ ⊗ G)(U₁S₁⁻¹U₁ᵀ ⊗ Gᵀ)𝐲 = vec(GᵀYU₁S₁⁻¹U₁ᵀ∂C₀)ᵀvec(GᵀYU₁S₁⁻¹U₁ᵀ), when the derivative is over the parameters of C₀. Otherwise, we have 𝐲ᵀ𝓡𝐲 = vec(YU₁S₁⁻¹U₁ᵀ∂C₁)ᵀvec(YU₁S₁⁻¹U₁ᵀ). The above equations can be more compactly written as 𝐲ᵀ𝓡𝐲 = vec(EᵢᵀYW∂Cᵢ)ᵀvec(EᵢᵀYW), where W = U₁S₁⁻¹U₁ᵀ, E₀ = G, and E₁ = I. We will now just state the results for the other instances of the aBc form, which follow similar derivations:: Xᵀ𝓡X = (L₀ᵀW∂CᵢWL₀) ⊗ (GᵀEᵢEᵢᵀG) Mᵀ𝓡y = (AᵀW∂Cᵢ⊗XᵀEᵢ)vec(EᵢᵀYW) = vec(XᵀEᵢEᵢᵀYW∂CᵢWA) Mᵀ𝓡X = AᵀW∂CᵢWL₀ ⊗ XᵀEᵢEᵢᵀG Mᵀ𝓡M = AᵀW∂CᵢWA ⊗ XᵀEᵢEᵢᵀX Xᵀ𝓡𝐲 = GᵀEᵢEᵢᵀYW∂CᵢWL₀ From Woodbury matrix identity and Kronecker product properties we have :: tr(K⁻¹∂K) = tr[W∂Cᵢ]tr[EᵢEᵢᵀ] - tr[Z⁻¹(Xᵀ𝓡X)] tr(H⁻¹∂H) = - tr[(MᵀR⁻¹M)(Mᵀ𝕂M)] + tr[(MᵀR⁻¹X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹M)(Mᵀ𝕂M)] Note also that :: ∂𝛃 = H⁻¹Mᵀ𝕂M𝛃 - H⁻¹Mᵀ𝕂𝐲. Returns ------- C0.Lu : ndarray Gradient of the log of the marginal likelihood over C₀ parameters. C1.Lu : ndarray Gradient of the log of the marginal likelihood over C₁ parameters. """ from scipy.linalg import cho_solve terms = self._terms dC0 = self._cov.C0.gradient()["Lu"] dC1 = self._cov.C1.gradient()["Lu"] b = terms["b"] W = terms["W"] Lh = terms["Lh"] Lz = terms["Lz"] WA = terms["WA"] WL0 = terms["WL0"] YW = terms["YW"] MRiM = terms["MRiM"] MRiy = terms["MRiy"] XRiM = terms["XRiM"] XRiy = terms["XRiy"] ZiXRiM = terms["ZiXRiM"] ZiXRiy = terms["ZiXRiy"] WdC0 = _mdot(W, dC0) WdC1 = _mdot(W, dC1) AWdC0 = _mdot(WA.T, dC0) AWdC1 = _mdot(WA.T, dC1) # Mᵀ𝓡M MR0M = _mkron(_mdot(AWdC0, WA), self._XGGX) MR1M = _mkron(_mdot(AWdC1, WA), self._XX) # Mᵀ𝓡X MR0X = _mkron(_mdot(AWdC0, WL0), self._XGGG) MR1X = _mkron(_mdot(AWdC1, WL0), self._GX.T) # Mᵀ𝓡𝐲 = (AᵀW∂Cᵢ⊗XᵀEᵢ)vec(EᵢᵀYW) = vec(XᵀEᵢEᵢᵀYW∂CᵢWA) MR0y = vec(_mdot(self._XGGY, _mdot(WdC0, WA))) MR1y = vec(_mdot(self._XY, WdC1, WA)) # Xᵀ𝓡X XR0X = _mkron(_mdot(WL0.T, dC0, WL0), self._GGGG) XR1X = _mkron(_mdot(WL0.T, dC1, WL0), self._GG) # Xᵀ𝓡𝐲 XR0y = vec(_mdot(self._GGGY, WdC0, WL0)) XR1y = vec(_mdot(self._GY, WdC1, WL0)) # 𝐲ᵀ𝓡𝐲 = vec(EᵢᵀYW∂Cᵢ)ᵀvec(EᵢᵀYW) yR0y = vec(_mdot(self._GY, WdC0)).T @ vec(self._GY @ W) yR1y = (YW.T * _mdot(self._Y, WdC1).T).T.sum(axis=(0, 1)) ZiXR0X = cho_solve(Lz, XR0X) ZiXR1X = cho_solve(Lz, XR1X) ZiXR0y = cho_solve(Lz, XR0y) ZiXR1y = cho_solve(Lz, XR1y) # Mᵀ𝕂y = Mᵀ𝓡𝐲 - (MᵀR⁻¹X)Z⁻¹(Xᵀ𝓡𝐲) - (Mᵀ𝓡X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹𝐲) # + (MᵀR⁻¹X)Z⁻¹(Xᵀ𝓡X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹𝐲) MK0y = MR0y - _mdot(XRiM.T, ZiXR0y) - _mdot(MR0X, ZiXRiy) MK0y += _mdot(XRiM.T, ZiXR0X, ZiXRiy) MK1y = MR1y - _mdot(XRiM.T, ZiXR1y) - _mdot(MR1X, ZiXRiy) MK1y += _mdot(XRiM.T, ZiXR1X, ZiXRiy) # 𝐲ᵀ𝕂𝐲 = 𝐲ᵀ𝓡𝐲 - 2(𝐲ᵀ𝓡X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹𝐲) + (𝐲ᵀR⁻¹X)Z⁻¹(Xᵀ𝓡X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹𝐲) yK0y = yR0y - 2 * XR0y.T @ ZiXRiy + ZiXRiy.T @ _mdot(XR0X, ZiXRiy) yK1y = yR1y - 2 * XR1y.T @ ZiXRiy + ZiXRiy.T @ _mdot(XR1X, ZiXRiy) # Mᵀ𝕂M = Mᵀ𝓡M - (Mᵀ𝓡X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹M) - (MᵀR⁻¹X)Z⁻¹(Xᵀ𝓡M) # + (MᵀR⁻¹X)Z⁻¹(Xᵀ𝓡X)Z⁻¹(XᵀR⁻¹M) MR0XZiXRiM = _mdot(MR0X, ZiXRiM) MK0M = MR0M - MR0XZiXRiM - MR0XZiXRiM.transpose([1, 0, 2]) MK0M += _mdot(ZiXRiM.T, XR0X, ZiXRiM) MR1XZiXRiM = _mdot(MR1X, ZiXRiM) MK1M = MR1M - MR1XZiXRiM - MR1XZiXRiM.transpose([1, 0, 2]) MK1M += _mdot(ZiXRiM.T, XR1X, ZiXRiM) MK0m = _mdot(MK0M, b) mK0y = b.T @ MK0y mK0m = b.T @ MK0m MK1m = _mdot(MK1M, b) mK1y = b.T @ MK1y mK1m = b.T @ MK1m XRim = XRiM @ b MRim = MRiM @ b db = {"C0.Lu": cho_solve(Lh, MK0m - MK0y), "C1.Lu": cho_solve(Lh, MK1m - MK1y)} grad = { "C0.Lu": -trace(WdC0) * self._trGG + trace(ZiXR0X), "C1.Lu": -trace(WdC1) * self.nsamples + trace(ZiXR1X), } if self._restricted: grad["C0.Lu"] += cho_solve(Lh, MK0M).diagonal().sum(1) grad["C1.Lu"] += cho_solve(Lh, MK1M).diagonal().sum(1) mKiM = MRim.T - XRim.T @ ZiXRiM yKiM = MRiy.T - XRiy.T @ ZiXRiM grad["C0.Lu"] += yK0y - 2 * mK0y + mK0m - 2 * _mdot(mKiM, db["C0.Lu"]) grad["C0.Lu"] += 2 * _mdot(yKiM, db["C0.Lu"]) grad["C1.Lu"] += yK1y - 2 * mK1y + mK1m - 2 * _mdot(mKiM, db["C1.Lu"]) grad["C1.Lu"] += 2 * _mdot(yKiM, db["C1.Lu"]) grad["C0.Lu"] /= 2 grad["C1.Lu"] /= 2 return grad @cached_property def _logdet_MM(self): if not self._restricted: return 0.0 M = self._mean.AX ldet = slogdet(M.T @ M) if ldet[0] != 1.0: raise ValueError("The determinant of MᵀM should be positive.") return ldet[1] @property def _logdetH(self): if not self._restricted: return 0.0 terms = self._terms MKiM = terms["MRiM"] - terms["XRiM"].T @ terms["ZiXRiM"] return slogdet(MKiM)[1] @property def _logdetK(self): terms = self._terms S = terms["S"] Lz = terms["Lz"] cov_logdet = log(Lz[0].diagonal()).sum() * 2 cov_logdet -= 2 * log(S).sum() * self.nsamples return cov_logdet @property def _df(self): np = self.nsamples * self.ntraits if not self._restricted: return np cp = self.ncovariates * self.ntraits return np - cp
def _dot(a, b): r = tensordot(a, b, axes=([min(1, a.ndim - 1)], [0])) if a.ndim > b.ndim: if r.ndim == 3: return r.transpose([0, 2, 1]) return r return r def _mdot(*args): return reduce(_dot, args) def _mkron(a, b): if a.ndim == 3: return kron(a.transpose([2, 0, 1]), b).transpose([1, 2, 0]) return kron(a, b)