Source code for glimix_core.lik._prod

from numpy import ascontiguousarray

from import IdentityLink, LogitLink, LogLink

def _sample_doc(func):
    func.__doc__ = """Sample from the likelihood distribution.

        x : array_like
            Array of likelihood parameters.
        random_state : random_state
            Set the initial random state.

            Sampled outcome.
    return func

[docs]class DeltaProdLik(object): r""" Product of Kronecker delta likelihoods. The product can be written as .. math:: \prod_i \delta[y_i = x_i] Parameters ---------- link : link_func Link function establishing :math:`g(y_i) = x_i`. Defaults to ``None``, which leads to the identity link function. """
[docs] def __init__(self, link=None): if link is None: link = IdentityLink() self._link = link self._outcome = None
@property def name(_): r"""Get the name of this likelihood.""" return "Delta" @property def outcome(self): r"""Get or set an array of outcomes.""" return self._outcome @outcome.setter def outcome(self, v): self._outcome = _aca(v) @staticmethod def mean(x): r"""Outcome mean.""" return x @_sample_doc @staticmethod def sample(x, *_): return _aca(x) @property def sample_size(self): r"""Get the number of samples.""" assert self.outcome is not None return len(self.outcome)
[docs]class BernoulliProdLik(object): r""" Product of Bernoulli likelihoods. The product can be written as .. math:: \prod_i p_i^{y_i} (1-p_i)^{1-y_i} where :math:`p_i` is the probability of success. Parameters ---------- link : link_func Link function establishing :math:`g(p_i) = x_i`. Defaults to ``None``, which leads to the :class:`` link function. """
[docs] def __init__(self, link=None): if link is None: link = LogitLink self._link = link self._outcome = None
@property def name(_): r"""Get the name of this likelihood.""" return "Bernoulli" @property def outcome(self): r"""Get or set an array of outcomes.""" return self._outcome @outcome.setter def outcome(self, v): self._outcome = _aca(v) def mean(self, x): r"""Outcome mean.""" return self._link.inv(x) @_sample_doc def sample(self, x, random_state=None): import scipy.stats as st p = self.mean(x) return _aca(st.bernoulli(p).rvs(random_state=random_state)) @property def sample_size(self): r"""Get the number of samples.""" assert self.outcome is not None return len(self.outcome)
[docs]class BinomialProdLik(object): r""" Product of Binomial likelihoods. The product can be written as .. math:: \prod_i \binom{n_i}{n_i y_i} p_i^{n_i y_i} (1-p_i)^{n_i - n_i y_i} where :math:`p_i` is the probability of success. Parameters ---------- ntrials : array_like Array of number of trials. link : link_func Link function establishing :math:`g(p_i) = x_i`. Defaults to ``None``, which leads to the :class:`` link function. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ntrials, link=None): if link is None: link = LogitLink self._link = link self._nsuccesses = None self._ntrials = _aca(ntrials)
@property def name(_): r"""Get the name of this likelihood.""" return "Binomial" @property def ntrials(self): r"""Get the array of number of trials.""" return self._ntrials @property def nsuccesses(self): r"""Get or set an array of successful trials.""" return self._nsuccesses @nsuccesses.setter def nsuccesses(self, v): self._nsuccesses = _aca(v) def mean(self, x): r"""Mean of the number of successful trials.""" return self._link.inv(x) @_sample_doc def sample(self, x, random_state=None): import scipy.stats as st p = self.mean(x) nt = ascontiguousarray(self._ntrials, dtype=int) return _aca(st.binom(nt, p).rvs(random_state=random_state)) @property def sample_size(self): r"""Get the number of samples.""" assert self.nsuccesses is not None return len(self.nsuccesses)
[docs]class PoissonProdLik(object): r""" Product of Poisson likelihoods. Parameters ---------- link : link_func Link function establishing :math:`g(y_i) = x_i`. Defaults to ``None``, which leads to the :class:`` link function. """
[docs] def __init__(self, link=None): if link is None: link = LogLink() self._link = link self._noccurrences = None
@property def name(_): r"""Get the name of this likelihood.""" return "Poisson" @property def noccurrences(self): r"""Get or set an array of number of occurrences.""" return self._noccurrences @noccurrences.setter def noccurrences(self, v): self._noccurrences = _aca(v) def mean(self, x): r"""Mean of the number of occurrences.""" return self._link.inv(x) @_sample_doc def sample(self, x, random_state=None): import scipy.stats as st lam = self.mean(x) return st.poisson(mu=lam).rvs(random_state=random_state) @property def sample_size(self): r"""Get the number of samples.""" assert self.noccurrences is not None return len(self.noccurrences)
def _aca(x): return ascontiguousarray(x, dtype=float)