Source code for

from numpy import log, pi
from numpy.linalg import slogdet, solve
from optimix import Function

[docs]class GP(Function): r"""Gaussian Process inference via maximum likelihood. Parameters ---------- y : array_like Outcome variable. mean : function Mean function. (Refer to :doc:`mean`.) cov : function Covariance function. (Refer to :doc:`cov`.) Example ------- .. doctest:: >>> from numpy.random import RandomState >>> >>> from glimix_core.example import offset_mean >>> from glimix_core.example import linear_eye_cov >>> from import GP >>> from glimix_core.random import GPSampler >>> >>> random = RandomState(94584) >>> >>> mean = offset_mean() >>> cov = linear_eye_cov() >>> >>> y = GPSampler(mean, cov).sample(random) >>> >>> gp = GP(y, mean, cov) >>> print('Before: %.4f' % gp.lml()) Before: -15.5582 >>> >>> print('After: %.4f' % gp.lml()) After: -13.4791 >>> print(gp) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP GP(...) lml: -13.47907874997517 OffsetMean(): OffsetMean offset: 0.7755803668772308 SumCov(covariances=...): SumCov LinearCov(): LinearCov scale: 2.061153622438558e-09 EyeCov(dim=10): EyeCov scale: 0.8675680523425126 """ def __init__(self, y, mean, cov): from numpy_sugar import is_all_finite super(GP, self).__init__("GP", composite=[mean, cov]) if not is_all_finite(y): raise ValueError("There are non-finite values in the phenotype.") self._y = y self._cov = cov self._mean = mean
[docs] def fit(self, verbose=True, factr=1e5, pgtol=1e-7): r"""Maximise the marginal likelihood. Parameters ---------- verbose : bool ``True`` for progress output; ``False`` otherwise. Defaults to ``True``. factr : float, optional The iteration stops when ``(f^k - f^{k+1})/max{|f^k|,|f^{k+1}|,1} <= factr * eps``, where ``eps`` is the machine precision. pgtol : float, optional The iteration will stop when ``max{|proj g_i | i = 1, ..., n} <= pgtol`` where ``pg_i`` is the i-th component of the projected gradient. Notes ----- Please, refer to :func:`scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b` for further information about ``factr`` and ``pgtol``. """ self._maximize(verbose=verbose, factr=factr, pgtol=pgtol)
[docs] def lml(self): r"""Log of the marginal likelihood. Returns ------- float :math:`\log p(\mathbf y)` """ return self.value()
def _lml_gradient_mean(self, mean, cov, gmean): Kiym = solve(cov, self._y - mean) return def _lml_gradient_cov(self, mean, cov, gcov): Kiym = solve(cov, self._y - mean) return (-solve(cov, gcov).diagonal().sum() + / 2 def value(self): mean = self._mean.value() cov = self._cov.value() ym = self._y - mean Kiym = solve(cov, ym) (s, logdet) = slogdet(cov) if not s == 1.0: raise RuntimeError("This determinant should not be negative.") n = len(self._y) return -(logdet + + n * log(2 * pi)) / 2 def gradient(self): mean = self._mean.value() cov = self._cov.value() gmean = self._mean.gradient() gcov = self._cov.gradient() grad = dict() for n, g in iter(gmean.items()): grad["GP[0]." + n] = self._lml_gradient_mean(mean, cov, g) for n, g in iter(gcov.items()): grad["GP[1]." + n] = self._lml_gradient_cov(mean, cov, g) return grad def __str__(self): tname = type(self).__name__ msg = "{}(...)\n".format(tname) msg += " lml: {}\n".format(self.lml()) mmsg = str(self._mean).split("\n") mmsg = "\n".join([" " + m for m in mmsg]) cmsg = str(self._cov).split("\n") cmsg = "\n".join([" " + m for m in cmsg]) return msg + mmsg + "\n" + cmsg